
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

They'll Know It When They See It

Stewart Lyman from Xconomy gives a nice summary of how a drug can act within the body.

Drugs can directly stimulate (e.g. morphine) or block (HIV protease inhibitors) enzymes. They can bind to and sequester molecules (TNF blockers for rheumatoid arthritis). Drugs can replace missing molecules (insulin, hemophilia) and alter the rate of movement of molecules into or out of cells (anti-arrhythmics like sodium channel blockers). Some drugs stimulate the immune system (Provenge, Yervoy), change the pH balance in the body (sodium bicarbonate for acidosis), or interfere with the assembly or function of intracellular structures (anti-cancer drugs like taxanes). Drugs can stimulate the release of stored molecules (epinephrine), or interfere with DNA synthesis (sulfa antibiotics). Drugs can perturb cell membranes (anesthetics), and effect the modification of proteins, thereby altering their function (histone deacetylase inhibitors). In gene therapy, the drug is often a replacement gene; anti-sense drugs block the formation of proteins by binding up specific mRNAs.

Once you imagine a drug development project, what is the process? The target, where the action takes place, needs to be reached by the drug. Delivery becomes a new research project. How do you make the drug? Process development becomes a new project. The list goes on. What part of the puzzle is the role of a small biotechnology company? What is the responsibility of Big Pharma who is looking for a partnership to beef up their pipeline? What about the CROs, CMOs and the clinical trial branches of the process?

We assume that everyone knows their role. It begins with education. We set up a hierarchy. Responsibility of innovation falls upon the highest ranking members. The lower ranks must bring the innovation to fruition.

A better way to view the field of biotechnology drug development is to draw a straight line. On the X axis is time. On the Y axis is money. Assume ten years and 1 billion dollars. Where along that line are you searching for investment money? Where are you spending the most on clinical trials? Where along that line are you making the critical decision on the drug candidate?

Currently there is no graduate degree where you go through the entire process, without the spending of 1 billion dollars and ten years. We just hope the leaders will react to each situation in the proper way. A graduate degree would speed up the process by building a base of understanding what is coming down the pike. Base the courses on real life situations, such as the pricing mistakes of Dendreon. Maybe throw in a course on the history of financing so the students can have that trajectory in the back of their minds while they think about staying in business.

Undergraduate degrees can become more focused. Biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology are all degrees that have become nothing more than vocational degrees for low level biotech lab jobs. Instead, focus all of the relevant information into the various areas of early stage research, process development, analytical development and so on. The graduate degree holders will know how to structure a company and thus they will know who to hire based on the education.

Overall, we need an end to the "we'll know it when we see it" process in biotechnology business strategy. You won't know it. It is not an ad hoc process to be ruled over individuals who feel they possess a special understanding of science. At this point it is fair to say that they are not very good at "knowing it when they see it". The weakest point along our line from 0 to ten years ($0 to $1 billion) comes in the early stages. What to do and what to select as the drug candidate is a very "know it when you see it" moment, and thus the weakest moment. It will make or break everything that happens along the line of progress. The rest of the work however is where we can focus education. You should not stumble in process development. It is not a "know it when you'll see it" process. It is not ad hoc. You take on the work, make a plan and you finish the job. The same goes for a clinical trial. Make a plan, execute and analyze. Need money? You have experts in that area.

Currently, Big Pharma is leaving that critical early stage "know it when we see it" up to small biotech. Big Pharma is setting themselves up for even greater failure than we are already experiencing. As Warren Buffet says, you don't ask the barber if you need a haircut. The education we require will not come from the current experts. They are experts in a failed experiment. In the process of getting smarter the cost of that drug development will go down. The time line will be reduced. Imagine a gant chart instead of the single line. Each line, each function along the way to approval becomes separate and can thus be analyzed and improved. Step one is to step back and look at where we are. Look at what we do. The real skill that is missing is not "knowing IT when we see IT". The skill is knowing how to get to "IT".

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