
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wiki Leaks Didn't Write the Documents!

Those in power often times work in secret. Those outside of the chosen circle can't handle the truth.

But the truth is a powerful force for good. The story about WikiLeaks release of Afghanistan and Iraq war documents has angered those in power. The truth can get you in trouble. But the truth is the truth. In the long run, the truth is your friend.

"In our release of these 400,000 documents about the Iraq war," WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange said, "the intimate detail of that war from the U.S. perspective, we hope to correct some of that attack on the truth that occurred before the war, during the war and which has continued on since the war officially concluded."

What the mainstream media is ignoring is the organizations use of the truth to fight the notion that war is necessary. Science uses the same tactic. The truth is what is missing in cargo cults. It is replaced with ceremonial practices. If Wiki Leaks is in fact jeopardizing our security, where is the evidence? Why do Hillary Clinton and all of the other powerful people in our Cargo Cult claim that this will hurt us?

The Cargo Cult Scientist believes that war is a ceremony performed by group leaders to establish superiority over each other. It achieves very little and it destroys too much. Yet it has been established as a way of dealing with difficult outsiders. Does it work? Is it worth the guaranteed destruction of life and property? By looking at the reality of a war we can ask those who order the ceremony to account for it. We the little people do the ceremony. We look to the sky. Did the airplanes come?


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