
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Novartis Goes to China

From Biospace:

Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG is to invest $100 million in building a biomedical research and development center in Shanghai, China. Research and development activities at the site will initially focus on addressing urgent medical needs in China and Asia, particularly infectious causes of cancer endemic to the region, Novartis said. "The level of scientific expertise in China is rising rapidly. At the same time, the healthcare needs of the Chinese are growing, primarily the result of urbanization, lifestyle changes and associated chronic diseases," said Dr Daniel Vasella, chairman and CEO of Novartis.

From the Cargo Cult Scientist:

There are 1.6 billion people living in China. They've been getting by in the Chinese way for a long time. We have a 100 million dollar culture clash coming. Chinese medicine meets western corporate medicine. What I wouldn't give to be a Chinese speaking fly on the wall at some of these meetings.

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