
Friday, September 08, 2006

Anyone Got Anything To Share?

So far this blog has mostly been a diary of thoughts I have regarding the philosophy of science. Having worked in a science related field I have been surprised at how unscientific most people are, including most scientists. I use this blog to try and understand what motivates someone to be dishonest or sloppy with the facts or whatever their deviations from the truth are. I am willing to bet that there are hundreds of others like me. They work in laboratories. The work for people who do not work in laboratories. They have to use unforgiving scientific equipment to tell the tall tales predetermined by their superiors. They have as much to add to this blog as I do. It's a Dilbert blog that needs some new stories.

My hope is that one day someone who works in a laboratory will read this blog and it will hit them like a ton of bricks. They will find this as a forum to share their stories. We could write up all of the silliness without the risk of being caught by the pharma industry. Outsiders could read about how science is conducted by those who otherwise get lots of respect. This is a place to air out the dirty laundry of the science religion and those who rank the highest.

What we care about here most is the truth. If a full professor of mathematics from MIT states that 2 plus 2 equals 5 and a mentally challenged mongoloid from West Viginia says that it equals 4, we say that the mongoloid is correct. The truth is the only thing that matters here. Unlike the scientific journals, we don't care about your credentials. We want to hear your your story of the truth or the deviation from the truth. Always, the truth must be lurking someone nearby.

If you're a disgruntled postdoc, an undervalued associate, or any other form of lab staff in the bio business (academia or industry), tell us your story. Did David Baltimore try to ruin your career? Did John Darsee make you look unproductive? Talk about it. You're among friends here. We know how airplanes work and where they come from. We know about your airport managers as well. Let's tell funny stories about them and try and make sense of it.

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